Saturday, March 28, 2015

LEVEL UP!: Charisma


Charisma, or CHA, is all about influence.  Between physical appearance and personality, the higher your charisma, the more people listen to you, and the more you can influence things in your favor.

For Level Up!, CHA is sort of a catch-all, but the main concept all focuses around emotional and mental health.  It's about doing things that make you feel good about yourself and make you happy.  This can be things regarding how you portray yourself, things that have to do with your social life, things that bring you inner peace and zen, things of a spiritual nature, whatever makes you feel good about yourself and your life.

Some secrets to inner happy:

♦ Freshen up your appearance, whether it's a new hairstyle, a new lipstick, new outfit...
♦ Have a spa day and pamper yourself.
♦ Do something fun with your family.
♦ Go on your dream vacation.
♦ Play with puppies.
♦ Keep a journal.
♦ Go outside and run around barefoot.
♦ Make a list of happy thoughts.

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