Monday, April 4, 2016

Lundi Links :: April 4 2016

Happy Monday, poodles!  I'm bringing back a weekly feature that I used to do on my old blog.  Lundi Links is basically going to be a collection of random links to articles and websites I found interesting from the past week.  Ultimately, it's just my contribution to your procrastinating.  You're welcome.

♥  I'm all about astrology and numerology and mystic stuff like that, so you'll see a lot of those topics here.  Do you know how numerology works?  Find out your personal year number for 2016 with The Astrotwins!

♥  I don't know about you, but the unpredictable (yet generally cold) March weather in Michigan has me antsy for a vacation.  But, like many of you, I can't afford to just fly off to exotic all-inclusive resorts.  So, group vacations may be a saving grace!  Here's an article with all the pros and cons of friendcations.

♥  Things Organized Neatly is probably the most satisfying website I've ever visited.

♥  These photographs from a very early gig for The Beatles really shows us that we all have to start somewhere, even if that somewhere is a concert for less than twenty people!

♥  April 7th is bringing us an Aries New Moon, and a supermoon nonetheless!  This is the perfect time to make big changes and take a leap!  Gala Darling and the AstroTwins will tell you how to take advantage!

♥  Much like numerology, your birth date can also help you figure out your tarot birth card!  Mine is Justice, and considering how many times I've been called an SJW, it's probably pretty accurate.

♥  Speaking of tarot, this self-esteem spread is just what the Radical Self Love Doctor ordered!

♥  I've been trying to improve my productivity (I'm a procrastination queen, homies), and according to this article, first thing in the morning is the best time to answer emails, since our decision-making processes decline in quality through the day.

♥  A well-known and well-loved Voodoo temple was destroyed by a fire in New Orleans, and the priestess running it has started a Go Fund Me to help rebuild it!

♥  I was sadly at work, but my fellow nobles at the Court of Nerds went to Marvel Universe Live! yesterday, and Ben wrote all about it!  SO JELLY.  NEXT TIME, ASSHOLES.

♥  And in case you've been living under a rock, you can Powerpuff yourself.  LOOK AT ME IN MY LEATHER JACKET PINK TUTU NERDY CAT LADY GLORY: