Sunday, March 29, 2015

LEVEL UP!: Intelligence


Intelligence, or INT, obviously, refers to how intelligent your character is.  Duh.  But, there's also Wisdom, and they aren't the same.  INT refers to how much knowledge you have and how quickly you can learn new things.  This is often the most important stat for magic users, since they need to learn spells in order to be useful to the party.

For Level Up!, we're looking at INT as the "book-smarts" aspect of intelligence rather than the "street-smarts" of Wisdom.  INT is all about experiencing and learning new things, taking in new information and developing new talents and skills.  I'm including creative endeavors here as well, because I'm a writer and artsy-fartsy sort.

Need some examples?  Boom:

♦ Learn something.  Knitting, a musical instrument, a language...learn anything.
♦ Read a certain number of books, or a genre you haven't read before.
♦ Watch new films.
♦ Do something creative; paint, write, build, just make something with your own two hands!
♦ Experience new things, like food, theatre, places...explore your world!

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